
6 Wealth Accumulation Strategies You Can Implement Today

Do you dream of retiring so you can spend time with your grandchildren? Are you hoping to buy a vacation home, travel, or finally write that novel? No matter what your vision of retirement may be, learning how to accumulate wealth is an important first step.

Retirement Financial Planning Financial Advisor Tax Planning Tax Management By on Jan 14, 2021

The Year In Review

Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter discusses the fiscal year of 2020 in review. A year that was disrupted by a global pandemic affected economies, financial markets, and daily life. With two promising vaccines announced and starting to roll out, Congress approved another stimulus bill to assist the struggling economy. As we enter 2021, there are many unanswered questions, but the financial markets will be watching progress.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Jan 06, 2021

6 Important Tax Management Strategies for Seniors

Even if you have done everything by the book for decades, chances are good that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your retirement plans. You work hard all your life to prepare for retirement. While savings and investment strategies are important, if you don't take the time to implement tax-management strategies, you're missing a critical piece of the puzzle! Making smart tax moves now can have a major impact on the potential success of your financial plan.

Retirement Financial Planning Financial Advisor Tax Planning Tax Management By on Dec 16, 2020

Paying Employment Taxes?

Make sure you're using the correct form if you're paying employment taxes this year as a small business owner. In this week’s Tax Tips, Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter, shares the difference between Form 944, Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return and Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return.

Financial Advisor Tax Planning Tax Tips By on Dec 11, 2020

December Economic Update

In this month’s Economic Update, Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter discusses recent headlines that influenced the financial markets in November 2020. Positive news events, including positive clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine, and the election, energized investors. Traders are set to watch for the trajectory of new COVID-19 infections, but they are also looking ahead to when a vaccine will be available.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Dec 11, 2020

Is Stimulus Near?

Fiscal stimulus negotiations resumed to further improve the outlook for the passage of a new stimulus package. The market rallied as a better-than-expected jobless claim report came out on Thursday. As the holiday shopping season began, in-store shopping was avoided; however, online shopping surged as retailers rolled out pre-Black Friday deals early.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Stimulus By on Dec 10, 2020

Dow Hits 30,000

With the announcement of another potential COVID-19 vaccine, stocks rallied to record high levels, with the Dow closing above the 30,000 milestone. Although states face COVID-related restrictions, there's still some hope such as healthy consumer spending and high sales of new homes.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street By on Dec 02, 2020

Tips for Handling Your Retirement Plan After Leaving Your Job

If you're like most people, your 401(k) or employer-sponsored retirement plan is one of your biggest assets. When you leave your job, it's important to make smart decisions about what to do with the money in your retirement account. Should you roll your 401(k) into an IRA? Should you leave it where it is? Maybe you should cash it out so you can finally take that dream vacation!

Retirement Financial Planning Financial Advisor Retirement Planning 401k By on Nov 30, 2020

New Infections Increase Anxiety

Stocks remain mixed amidst news of another COVID-19 vaccine option. New infections and state lockdowns eroded the stock gains of the vaccine announcement. Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, warns that an increase in infections could prolong economic recovery.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street By on Nov 24, 2020

November Educational Economic Update

In this month’s video, Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter discusses a few headlines that influenced the financial markets in October 2020. Pressures on the stock market were drawn from the lack of action for a fiscal stimulus bill as well as rising COVID-19 cases. For the month, the market waited eagerly for results of the presidential election.

Market Update Financial Planning Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Election By on Nov 19, 2020