
Social Security Benefits

Did you know that if you are receiving Social Security Benefits, you may have to pay federal income tax on a portion of these benefits? Financial Professional, Jeff Bangerter discusses how the amount you must pay will depend on your specific income and filing status.

Market Update Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Jul 08, 2021

New Messaging from the Federal Reserve

Financial professional, Jeffrey Bangerter explains how new messaging from the Federal Reserve on interest rates and inflation last week led to a broad retreat in stock prices.

Market Update Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Jul 06, 2021

Children or Grandchildren with Part-Time Summer Jobs

Children and Grandchildren are taking advantage of the summertime to earn a little extra income before returning to the school year. Financial professional, Jeff Bangerter discusses some tax tips to understand the implications of summer jobs.

Financial Planning Financial Advisor Tax Planning Economic Update Tax Tips By on Jun 25, 2021

Mixed Stocks Await Consumer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) release on Thursday, June 17th, 2021 created anxious investors. Financial professional, Jeff Bangerter explains the CPI and the increase in inflation that exceeded most expectations.

Market Update Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Jun 22, 2021

The Future of the 1031 Exchange Has Yet to Unfold

A potential change to the Internal Revenue Code that President Biden touted during his campaign last year just moved a giant step closer to reality. The 100-year-old IRC Section 1031 may be headed to the gallows, and participants across all sectors of the real estate industry are preparing for a fight.

Market Update Retirement Financial Planning Financial Advisor DST 1031 Exchange Tax Planning Retirement Planning Economic Update By on Jun 01, 2021

Mixed Signals in the Market

Financial Advisor, Jeff Bangerter explains the mixed signals of the market during the holiday-shortened week. Jobless claims were still reflective of a struggling labor market; however, consumer retail sales have increased.

Market Update Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Feb 26, 2021

The Year In Review

Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter discusses the fiscal year of 2020 in review. A year that was disrupted by a global pandemic affected economies, financial markets, and daily life. With two promising vaccines announced and starting to roll out, Congress approved another stimulus bill to assist the struggling economy. As we enter 2021, there are many unanswered questions, but the financial markets will be watching progress.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Jan 06, 2021

December Economic Update

In this month’s Economic Update, Financial Advisor, Jeffrey Bangerter discusses recent headlines that influenced the financial markets in November 2020. Positive news events, including positive clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine, and the election, energized investors. Traders are set to watch for the trajectory of new COVID-19 infections, but they are also looking ahead to when a vaccine will be available.

Market Update COVID-19 Financial Advisor Stock Market Wall Street Economic Update By on Dec 11, 2020